Poder ayudar y no poder
Poder cargarte con un derecho perdido.
Como se carga el viento?
Tan solo te siento en medio de los dedos
Alrededor de mi cuerpo
Dentro de mi ser
Pero no eres tangible. Ya no.
Te siento pero te desvaneces
Eres libre de mi.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
La inocencia de un corazon enamorado es como el vuelo errante de una mariposa.
La experiencia de un corazon herido como el vuelo de un halcon peregrino.
By Alex Reshuan
La experiencia de un corazon herido como el vuelo de un halcon peregrino.
By Alex Reshuan
Monday, May 7, 2007
Hombre de que estas hecho?
De huesos , piel y sangre?
No! Eso los animales!
Hombre!.......Eres hombre por tus pasiones
tus temores, tus anhelos.
Por los recuerdos que arrastras y
los recuerdos que aun no llegan.
Estas hecho de eso que no comprendes
que te controla o te desequilibra.
No! Eso los animales.
Tu eres sueño y despertar.
Eres fuerza a sobreponerte
a lo que Natura te ofrece.
Creer que eres imagen y semejanza
de el cielo y de el infierno.
Saber que no eres ninguno.
Se complejo . Se hombre
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Mantel Blanco
Mantel Blanco
Migas de Pan
Ahi estan dispersas
desordenadas como recuerdos
sobre una historia simple y planchada.
Recuerdos de casa, hogar y calor.
Un Mantel.
Muchos recuerdos.
Lo bello de lo ordinario permanece.
White tablecloth
crumbs of bread
lying there dispersed,
disordered like memories
over a clean and ironed history.
Memories of house, home and warmth.
One tablecloth
many memories.
The beauty of the ordinary remains
By Alex Reshuan. Lima
Migas de Pan
Ahi estan dispersas
desordenadas como recuerdos
sobre una historia simple y planchada.
Recuerdos de casa, hogar y calor.
Un Mantel.
Muchos recuerdos.
Lo bello de lo ordinario permanece.
White tablecloth
crumbs of bread
lying there dispersed,
disordered like memories
over a clean and ironed history.
Memories of house, home and warmth.
One tablecloth
many memories.
The beauty of the ordinary remains
By Alex Reshuan. Lima
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Se que quieras que te escriba
O sera que quieres que te dibuje con mis manos.
O fotografie con mis ojos.
O cante con mis labios.
O esculpa con mis manos.
Puedo hacer todo esto
Me inspiras.
Me mueves.
Me atornillas en el universo de la creación.
Quiero hacerlo . Puedo hacerlo
Quiero que esta trinidad de Arte, Dios y Amor sea tuya.
Pero que digo vida mia!!
Si tu eres todo esto.
Eres mi trinidad
Mi obra the arte
Mi Dios
Mi Amor.
Pero la vida no ha confiado en mi
No soy un artista .
No tengo fe.
No se amar.
Te dejo pasar como una brisa,
que se siente pero pasa sin rumbo libremente.
Buscame cuando renazcas en tus muchas vidas.
Estare esperandote.
en el poema de una quinceañera,
en el canto de un pecho rojo,
en el ocaso que dibuja sus colores,
en el musgo que se aferra a la piedra,
en una limosna dada con amor.
By Alex Reshuan
O sera que quieres que te dibuje con mis manos.
O fotografie con mis ojos.
O cante con mis labios.
O esculpa con mis manos.
Puedo hacer todo esto
Me inspiras.
Me mueves.
Me atornillas en el universo de la creación.
Quiero hacerlo . Puedo hacerlo
Quiero que esta trinidad de Arte, Dios y Amor sea tuya.
Pero que digo vida mia!!
Si tu eres todo esto.
Eres mi trinidad
Mi obra the arte
Mi Dios
Mi Amor.
Pero la vida no ha confiado en mi
No soy un artista .
No tengo fe.
No se amar.
Te dejo pasar como una brisa,
que se siente pero pasa sin rumbo libremente.
Buscame cuando renazcas en tus muchas vidas.
Estare esperandote.
en el poema de una quinceañera,
en el canto de un pecho rojo,
en el ocaso que dibuja sus colores,
en el musgo que se aferra a la piedra,
en una limosna dada con amor.
By Alex Reshuan
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Was andere Hunger nennen
das ernährt mich
Was andere Unglück nennen
das ist mein Glück
Ich bin keine Blume
kein Moos
Ich bin eine Flechte
Ich ätze mich tausend Jahre lang in einen Stein
Ich möchte ein Baum sein
Ich möchte ein Leben lang
deine Wurzeln berühren
und trinken bei Tag und bei Nacht
Ich möchte ein Mensch sein
und leben wie Menschen leben
und sterben wie Menschen sterben
Ich habe dich lieb
What others call hunger
that feeds me
What others call misery
that is my happiness
I am not a flower
not a moss
I am a lichen
I etch myself for thousand years into a stone
I want to be a tree
I want for a lifetime
touch your roots
and drink them by day and by night
I want to be a man
and live as men live
and die as men live
I love you
By Erich Fried
Was andere Hunger nennen
das ernährt mich
Was andere Unglück nennen
das ist mein Glück
Ich bin keine Blume
kein Moos
Ich bin eine Flechte
Ich ätze mich tausend Jahre lang in einen Stein
Ich möchte ein Baum sein
Ich möchte ein Leben lang
deine Wurzeln berühren
und trinken bei Tag und bei Nacht
Ich möchte ein Mensch sein
und leben wie Menschen leben
und sterben wie Menschen sterben
Ich habe dich lieb
What others call hunger
that feeds me
What others call misery
that is my happiness
I am not a flower
not a moss
I am a lichen
I etch myself for thousand years into a stone
I want to be a tree
I want for a lifetime
touch your roots
and drink them by day and by night
I want to be a man
and live as men live
and die as men live
I love you
By Erich Fried
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
How much pain can a person take?
Pain of the heart, pain the soul, pain of the body.
Most of the time it arrives unexpectedly.
Some people choose their pains
Like artist, lovers, dreamers
They adopt other people's pains too.
They make it part of them.
They have an urge to be one with it
Because they have faith, they believe
they love the chosen road .
No matter the obstacles and harshness
the course remains immobile.
When its present , even unjustified ,there is not much you can do.
You can not hide from it.
Or ignore it
It is present and you have to accept it
There is no reason to fight it thinking it will go away.It wont
The fight will only make it stronger.
Act like a future mother who accepts it with the hope that something beautiful will come out of it.
This is a fertile pain not an sterile one.
Do not let it go.
Travel with it
Embraced it.
Like a mother. Because something beautiful will be born soon
Pain of the heart, pain the soul, pain of the body.
Most of the time it arrives unexpectedly.
Some people choose their pains
Like artist, lovers, dreamers
They adopt other people's pains too.
They make it part of them.
They have an urge to be one with it
Because they have faith, they believe
they love the chosen road .
No matter the obstacles and harshness
the course remains immobile.
When its present , even unjustified ,there is not much you can do.
You can not hide from it.
Or ignore it
It is present and you have to accept it
There is no reason to fight it thinking it will go away.It wont
The fight will only make it stronger.
Act like a future mother who accepts it with the hope that something beautiful will come out of it.
This is a fertile pain not an sterile one.
Do not let it go.
Travel with it
Embraced it.
Like a mother. Because something beautiful will be born soon
Monday, February 5, 2007
This blog
The title of this blog began with an impossible love, like all dreams at the beginning their normal state is of impossibility.
One Summer day I began to drive to the Pacific Coast with all this crossed feelings of hope, frustration, love, pain, laughter and cry.
Piazzola's bandoneon was my companion . Milonga del Angel was speaking for both of us.
The old road that I knew well looks different that day. Everything was new and inviting. I began to remember TS Elliot's words: "We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time"
It was a road of dreams
I was inspired to take pictures.
Of what?!
I was photographing my feelings reflecting on this road which appears new upon my eyes
The landscape, always dry and barren , was beautiful . Simple shades of shadows and light.
It was a road of dreams.
Everything begins with a dream. Everything !
A spark of life, an inspiration , a hope.
After that what follows to reach that dream is an unknown road which is lite by the very force of that dream. It is an invisible force, a conviction, a vocation, a desire, ....it's faith
Its ways could be hard and steep. But you keep going.
Its path is unknown, because it changes constantly like in dreams.
You learn by walking and by walking you learn.
As mirages you'll encounter many stops along the way thinking its your destination.But are they really?
All rivers run into the sea . All roads of dreams have one destination.
Dreams always die. You either reach them and the dream becomes a reality or you dont reach them and the dream lives a little longer in its agony fading with time. Until it is to weak to even be remembered.
How long will I travel this road?
I dont know.
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